
Monday, June 25, 2012


From the lawn of the Goodman-LeGrand House, Tyler, TX- looking south at the back of First Baptist Church and the spire of Christ Episcopal Church.  Almost perfectly framed by pecan, oak, and one-tree-whose-name-is-on-the-tip-of-my-tongue-and-I-can't-spit-it-out.  (Grrrrr.)  Loverly view, isn't it?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Noble Steed

I encountered this handsome fella a couple of weeks ago on my Saturday morning ride thru South Brazos County.  It really is very pretty, and I always find something to snap.  This photo was taken with my iPhone and edited with the CameraAwesome SmugMug app, really amazing what you can do these days.  My first phone, when I was in college, was a larger-than-my-hand brick, and it did nothing but make calls (and not always very well at that.)  It was strictly for emergencies as I was driving between home and school, not to be turned on otherwise 'cause it was crazy expensive and we had a limited number of minutes.  Texting? Forget it, not an option.  We've come a long way since then!

Friday, June 1, 2012


This is an oldie, but one I really like.  This was WAAAY back in my bus driving days, and one day I thought to myself, "Self, that reflection in the crossover mirror would make a cool photo."  So if you look closely, you can see me in the driver's seat, taking the photo.  (Of all the buses I drove, good ol' 103 was my favorite.  Probably because it was air conditioned.)