Outside, at least- Queen Theater, Downtown Bryan, TX, cosmetically restored and all it up! Now the inside needs work- more info (and to donate) at www.downtownbryan.com.!
RITA, one of FIFI's four Wright R-3350-23 and 23A turbosuperchargedradial engines, at rest at Easterwood Field. Her sisters are Mitzi, Betty, and Ingrid. (Rita Hayworth, Mitzi Gaynor, Betty Grable, and Ingrid Bergman are my guesses for the namesakes.)
Fifi is the only flying B-29 Superfortress left... a grand old dame! The Commemmorative Air Force brought her to Easterwood Field in College Station a couple of weeks ago. So now I have seen a B-17, 24, 25, and 29, all up close and personal.